

In the Museum of Turin in northern Italy, there is the statue of Kairos who is the son of Zeus and God of opportunity.
The statue looks like full head, muscular man when you see in front of it. But, when you see it from behind, you will notice the God is  bald and maybe you can wonder and guess why he is bald.

Also he has a razor and scales in his hand, wings on feet. The reason for his odd figure has written on the statue.

Kairos (opportunity, time, chance) The original bronze allegoric statue made by Lysippos stood at his home, in the Agora of Hellenistic Sikyon. Epigram of Posidippos, on the statue of Kairos by Lysippos 
Who and whence was the sculptor?
From Sikyon.
And his name?
And who are you?
Time who subdues all things.
Why do you stand on tip-toe?
I am ever running.
And why you have a pair of wings on your feet?
I fly with the wind.
And why do you hold a razor in your right hand?
As a sign to men that I am sharper than any sharp edge.
And why does your hair hang over your face?
For him who meets me to take me by the forelock.
And why, in Heaven's name, is the back of your head bald?
Because none whom I have once raced by on my winged feet will now, though he wishes it sore, take hold of me from behind.
Why did the artist fashion you?
For your sake, stranger, and he set me up in the porch as a lesson.

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